146 : Fantasy Chequebook Spending Underway for #GeneralElection2019

December 12 2019 :Polling Day seems to be a very long way off.And no doubt even as the days recede,they will actually get longer in the imagination.

Boredom and disinterest work that way. It's still only November 9th and the imaginary cheque-book is getting some unprecedented hammer from Labour on 1,000 new " Sure Start " centres - the ones the war-mongering Blairite Regime introduced and the Anti-Labour Coalition of 2010 basically shut down. And not to be outdone the  former conservative Tories and the  former liberal LibDems have also been ripping it up in the fantasy-capitalist prosperity stakes.More
doctors,Nurses,infrastructure,blah,blah blah..

Oh, and the Greens aka The Green party (aka the political wing of the Vegan Taliban aka Extinction rebellion eco-millenarian cultists) have come up with a Trillion pound ten year project to take the UK back to the feckin Stone Age by systematically cleansing these islands of all industry.The Greens aim to raise 90% of the science-fiction epic funding through borrowing on the global money markets.

What the lentil-chewers omitted from their prospectus was the blindingly obvious - govts. raise money by selling interest rate Bonds to other govts -the ones with spare cash.Which means China.Who do not and will never support,agree to or otherwise allow their great nation & peoples to be suckered into the existential lunacy of eco-millenarian hysteria.It's what we call irony -Beijing being asked by a Green and no no doubt in time to come a Labour and Lib Dem regime to finance the annihilation of Great Britain and make a profit from it.

December 12 really is a looong way off.


And meanwhile here in the 66% Leave Voting ,parliamentary Labour marginal seat of Wakefield. The Blairite,let's bomb-Syria, incumbent is accusing her Tory opponent of some kind of unsubstantiated,hypothetical thought crime.This gleaned from her twitter a/c from which,by the way I'm blocked.
EXCLUSIVE Wakefield’s Tory candidate 'under review' over Facebook posts | talkRADIO There’s no place for racism in Wakefield.


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