147 : #GeneralElection2019 hashtagarama #NHScrisis #LabourNHSRescue

Herewith gleaned from UKPublicSpending.co.uk   The facts such as they are - empirical data.

Government Spending: the Details

About 79 percent of public spending comes from the central government; About 21 percent is spent by local authorities.

The central government is budgeted to spend £667.7 billion in FY 2020. Pension programs, including the state pension and civil service pensions, will cost about £161.1 billion; health care and the NHS will cost £143 billion; defence, including the Ministry of Defence and the Foreign & Commonwealth Office, will cost about £50.3 billion. Welfare, or Social Security, costs for the central government will come in at £71.4 billion, and central government education expenditures are budgeted at £44.6 billion. Interest on the national debt is estimated at £51.7 billion.

We estimate local authorities will spend about £179.9 billion in FY 2020. The biggest expenditure is £54.8 billion for welfare. Then comes £47.2 billion for local authority education, and £15.4 billion for protection: police and fire. Local authorities will spend £9.5 billion on transport, and about £50 billion on all other programs.

As the #GE2019 winds its weary way through November , the major parties are assembling,as they are wont to do ,their various versions of what amount of public spending ought or does or might or might not be accorded to the National Health Service.

And, of course ,the Labour Party ( all wings ) their Trades Union satrapies and all the  non-parliamentary "Left" are pitching their narrative,as usual in that it is only they and they alone who "care" are "compassionate" and exemplary humanitarians who look after the sick,the dying etc.

And short of a violent,bloody Bolshevik revolution ; no.there never ever will be sufficient monies to finance their Disney-fantasy version of a health service or anything else for that matter.

And of course they're the ones who make it part of their catechism never to raise the query as to where all this overwhelming additional demand and pressure on the NHS arises from in the first place.

Or on our education system or GP waiting lists or on the inadequate housing stock or the relative downward pressure on wages and worsening shortage of full time jobs.

They don't know about all of those either.


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