148 : : #GE2019 Postponed due to lack of anybody to Vote For in wake of #LeadersDebate Fiasco

Three weeks to go. Three very long weeks to go until Polling Day in GE2019.

And the strain is already showing amongst all the putative contenders for Office.

Being both dis-interested and un-interested in the final outcome,I have at least avoided the very worst of the symptoms of persiflage fatigue.

And persiflage is as good as it gets in respect of any utterances vaguely resembling well thought out,committed ideological and philosophical points of principle that define the character and motivation of any of the aforementioned putative contenders for Office.

A televised " Leaders Debate " live and unscripted,epitomises more than any other micro- electioneering phenomenon the utterly vacuous and worthless nature of the entire entire electoral process itself.

Brexit , emotional blackmail about the NHS , the fatuous climate emergency etc etc. are merely the irrational ramblings of a political class whose actual power and influence have long since been effectively usurped by the ruling metropolitan domiciled elites.

Superficially, as to the result hitting the headlines on the morning of December 13 ;I'll stick with - a) A very slender overall Tory majority , b) Labour the largest party but way short of a majority or c) Neither a or b.

In the meantime I'll be working on my Schadenfreude.


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