153 : Failed Democrats Go For Another Failure as Do Labour in Leadership Contest

This should be my final blog posting for 2019.

If nothing else the year brought to mind the time worn adage,attributed to Karl Marx, that History repeats itself,first as a tragedy then as a farce.

2019 is drawing to a close with the US House of Representatives voting to have President Trump Impeached.The so-called impeachment trial will take place in the US Senate,who it seems from a party partisan perspective will in effect nullify the charges which the Democrat party controlled House of Representatives have passed against POTUS.

The Democratic Party's insidious Long War to overturn the 2016 Presidential election result enters what are,its final stages.

The malevolent,anti-populist campaign that sought unceasingly to slander,defame,denounce and vilify Trump's upset victory over the odds-on favourite,globalist,deep state warmonger champion Hilary Clinton has now gone on for so long that the constitutional electoral cycle is now prepping for the 2020 Presidential election.

This particularly American Grand Farce had (has?) its mirror image here in the UK,where our domestic equivalent of the globalist deep state aka the metropolitan ruling elite aka the establishment had similarly conducted an EU financed campaign of slander,defamation,denunciation and vilification of the 2016 EU Referendum Result and all those whose Voted to Leave upset the elites' apple cart.

The Tory electoral triumph- with an overall Commons majority of 80 seats, led by a barnstroming PM Boris Johnson has finally drawn a line under the do we-don't we actually carry out the mandate for Brexit. Yes we bloody well do.

The UK's farce unlike the one across "The Pond",doesn't end in an impeachment or trial of any kind,but rather in a brutally divisive internecine Labour leadership contest of all whose putative candidates helped spearhead the EU funded,seditionist,metropolitan elitist run Remain campaign.

Oh,and on a more personal note, another one of the driving forces behind the Remoaners ,Mary Creagh's 14 year long occupation of the Wakefield parliamentary constituency as Labour's resident deluded haridan,ended in well earned ignominy losing the seat to the Tories who last held it in ...1932.



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