159 : Brexit Day at last! Hail Victory! Hail Brexit !
Thus spake Guardian Online : At the stroke of 11 p.m. on 31 January (midnight in Brussels), the UK ceases to be a member of the EU. The divorce is sealed. The only way back is an application to rejoin. The UK enters an 11-month transition period to allow time to negotiate a new relationship. That means staying in the EU single market, its customs union and paying into its budget. A more significant moment could be 1 January 2021, the UK’s first day outside EU rules. Under the Brexit withdrawal agreement, that day could be delayed until 2022 or 2023, but Johnson has ruled out any extension of the transition period . Postscript: 17.4 million British Voters altered the course of History on June 23 2016. Three and a half years later,after the most virulently egregious political campaigning seen in Europe post-1945,the democratically expressed Will of the British electorate to Leave the EU shall come to pass. After all the vituperative l...