156 : Hysterical Millenial Hashtags Assemble! #NoWarWithIran #IranAttacks

We do indeed live in interesting times.

And that's cold bloody comfort for the 99.999% of human society who are at best mere spectators of the events unfolding in the Middle Eastern imbroglio aka Iran /Iraq /Syria.

Having brazenly violated recognised tenets of International Law as well as long held diplomatic norms and conventions, POTUS Trump as Commander-in-Chief threatened in the most egregiously graphic terms to annihilate Iranian cultural sites should the government in Tehran consider some of retaliatory action against the US for its assassination of General Soleimani.

Even the most reliably docile and compliant lickspittle NATO lackeys of the US were moved to point out that Trump's apocalyptic threat,if enacted,would constitute a war crime.

Trump and his coterie of war-mongering Neocon hawks -Pompeo et al blithely acknowledged this a couple of days later and muttered something about of course the'll be obeying international law on this matter.

Meanwhile, elements within the Iranian leadership ordered the firing of some ballistic missiles at targets inside Iraq being used as airbases for US led coalition forces.

Trump's tweeted response to this Iranian violation of International Law etc. was "All is Well"...

The UK government's posture on any of this is utterly and entirely superfluous and irrelevant and has no bearing on the situation.

Bluff,bluster and a vainglorious recapitulation that Britain used to be something 100 years ago are simply the ill rehearsed soliloquy repeated by idiots; full of sound and fury and signifying nothing.

Footnote: Book of Romans 3:10-12


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