157 : Boredom & Irrelevance 2.0 Labour Leadership Labour Leadership Election

My feelings toward the current Labour Party leadership farrago are the same as those I have toward the European Union.
I hate,loathe and despise the European Union, ditto the Labour Party, and all that it stands for and does. 
Keir Smarmer ,Rebecca Long Tall Sally,Clueless,Thornbush,Nando’s and Jessflips.
Good luck with those;the rest of the lifeboats have got even bigger holes in them.
I read journalist and commentator Peter Hitchens’ touching commentary in the Mail on Sunday making a rather compassionate case for the Labour Party somehow to be revived and restored somehow along the lines of what it once was perceived to be.
Well bollox to all that .Labour and its  “sister ” parties all across the continent of Europe,including the German SPD, have for quite some years now been undergoing a kind of existential entropy. It’s History’s way of telling political ideologies,movements and parties that the Cosmos has moved on.
Strangely enough when the post WW2 political order across Europe underwent its sea change around 1989, several of the ruling Communist Parties’ politburos and central committees actually consciously denounced themselves and voted themselves out of existence.They were my kind of Red.
Brexit happens in just over a fortnight’s time ,the UK is up and finally gone on 31 January.Which is a blessed relief,given that the EU /Soros funded  campaign and organisation of metropolitan elitist led antidemocratic treasonable sedition had all but seemingly scuppered the EURef2016 verdict.
And it was Labour that led Remoan  with interminable hectoring,swaggering wannbe demagogues such as Tottenham’s pre-eminent socialst gobshite David Lammy brazenly seeking to incite a violent mob to overthrow the government within days of the EUREf2016.
There you go Labour and all who stand with you..jog on.
This is Brexit apotheosis ; this is epic Schadenfreude!  For which I have not waited in vain.


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