164 : Erdogan's Prelude to WW3 Now Playing in Idlib Syria

It's deja Vu all over again! as one footie commentator famously once said. It wasn't so long ago that Russia,Turkey and Iran had arrived at a realpolitik accommodation over the Syria imbroglio.

A workable modus vivendi that isolated the US and its militarily rapacious NATO satrapies from inflicting further chaos and carnage on an already near-cataclysmically volatile area.

It remains a matter of fact in international law that the Assad government ensconsed in Damascus is the internationally recognised legitimate government of Syria.The forces of Russia and Iran and its clients are assisting Assad to restore its territorial integrity and sovereignty.

All other countries and their armed forces (covert and otherwise ) on Syrian territory are in gross violation of all precepts norms and rules of International Law.They are de facto committing war crimes. That's the US and all its NATO allies even including Erdogan's Turkey who are on their own idiosyncratic mission from Allah.

Turkish armed forces blasting Syrian Arab Republic aircraft out of the skies over Idlib province in Syria is a war crime and wanton violation of one UN member state's territorial integrity by another UN member state,leaving said aggressor liable to punitive action by the UN Security Council and General Assembly.

Not that any of that's going to happen,with the Big NATO 3 on the security council.

Propped up by a plethora of World Bank ,IMF and EU ECB loans ,hobbled by impending national bankruptcy,massive structural unemployment ,the Turkish state is diving kamikaze headlong into an unimaginable maelstrom;

taking the rest of us with it. 


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