165 : Medieval superstition grips UK as Coronavirus causes sniffles

The global corporate finance-capitalist system and great swathes of its social superstructure appear to be undergoing some kind of existential crisis at the moment.

The culprit is a new type of virus ,Covid-19 aka Coronavirus. And it has set the proverbial cat amongst the pigeons.

Millions of once supposedly educated and sophisticated citizens of late industrial 21st century society have succumbed to the kinds of rumour and superstition that even  medieval peasants would've been ashamed to have been taken in by.

Stock markets are taking a battering with mendacious financial-capitalist speculators and chancers doing what they do best ;making money out of a perceived "crisis". And the global market price of oil has plummeted to around $30 a barrel.

None of this is sustainable over any length of time.

People are not falling like flies to Covid-19 and yet major ,especially western governments are ramping up their rhetoric that seem to ineluctably point towards imminent declarations of states of emergency if not martial law itself at some stage.

Which frankly would be insane.

Well,at least we got Brexit done.

As for the rest ,never have so much total bollox been aired over so small a matter as this,at least not since the EU funded seditionist Remain campaign tried to induce mass anti-government hysteria over the UK leaving the EU.

And yet here we are, back in the 15th Century.


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