

Lockdown commenced on March 23  , June 30th marked Day 100. Today July 20th is Day 120. Peter Hitchens , In Proportion and dozens more have taken on the heaviest of burdens ans Social Media is still a shifting battle field on Covid-19 - the pandemic that never was... it would have been futile for me to have ( with no access to a PC - I'm Public Library dependent) to have attempted to blog throughout this period.Most importantly I have re-allocated my strategic blogging fully onto twitter @louiskasatkin . After one solid year of blogging on getting Brexit done,the whole Coronavirus Medieval Superstition craze was one topic too far. THIS BLOG " Harbinger" is now ARCHIVED. It remains fully accessible.

167 : Reason & common sense under quarantine during #Covid19 #UKLockdown

During this inprecedented time of incipient hysteria and general state/elitist led panic,it's worthwhile for one's sanity's sake to seek out what the vouces of readon and common sense are saying on this issue. Peter Hitchens,Laura Perrins,Ron Paul and Matt Walsh are the ones I follow across social media.There are many more;find them and read what they have to say whilst you're still allowed to and can.

166 : Apocalyptic hashtags #covid_19uk #COVID_19 overhwelm superstitious peasants

This is seriously pissing me off. The wholesale reintroduction of popular and populist superstition ,the cretinous depths of which would've embarrassed the thickest Medieval peasants imaginable. And yet here we are 21st.Century industrialised advanced democracies wallowing in a ruling metropolitan elitist contrived wave of existential panic that comes straight from the script of " The Crucible " . Quasi-martial law restrictions of civil and human rights have already been implemented or are about to be in countries across Europe.Germany,Italy and Spain of course are getting out and dusting off their tried and trusted totalitarian playbooks from the 1930's. Nothing reassures their citizenries more than the comforting echo of jackboots parading in front of the Reichstag. If CoronaVirus were only a revolutionary political movement then global corporate capitalism would actually have something better to replace it almost overnight. All of a sudden thrusting,dynamic c...

165 : Medieval superstition grips UK as Coronavirus causes sniffles

The global corporate finance-capitalist system and great swathes of its social superstructure appear to be undergoing some kind of existential crisis at the moment. The culprit is a new type of virus ,Covid-19 aka Coronavirus. And it has set the proverbial cat amongst the pigeons. Millions of once supposedly educated and sophisticated citizens of late industrial 21st century society have succumbed to the kinds of rumour and superstition that even  medieval peasants would've been ashamed to have been taken in by. Stock markets are taking a battering with mendacious financial-capitalist speculators and chancers doing what they do best ;making money out of a perceived "crisis". And the global market price of oil has plummeted to around $30 a barrel. None of this is sustainable over any length of time. People are not falling like flies to Covid-19 and yet major ,especially western governments are ramping up their rhetoric that seem to ineluctably point towards immin...

164 : Erdogan's Prelude to WW3 Now Playing in Idlib Syria

It's deja Vu all over again! as one footie commentator famously once said. It wasn't so long ago that Russia,Turkey and Iran had arrived at a realpolitik  accommodation over the Syria imbroglio. A workable  modus vivendi that isolated the US and its militarily rapacious NATO satrapies from inflicting further chaos and carnage on an already near-cataclysmically volatile area. It remains a matter of fact in international law that the Assad government ensconsed in Damascus is the internationally recognised legitimate government of Syria.The forces of Russia and Iran and its clients are assisting Assad to restore its territorial integrity and sovereignty. All other countries and their armed forces (covert and otherwise ) on Syrian territory are in gross violation of all precepts norms and rules of International Law.They are de facto committing war crimes. That's the US and all its NATO allies even including Erdogan's Turkey who are on their own idiosyncratic mission ...

163 : Labour Leadership Election reaches Impasse :Which loser to elect for GE2024 Defeat ?

On April 4th, the Labour Party will have a new leader. Starmer, Nandy or Long-Bailey. The smart money is on Keir Starmer -chief Remainer,who has promised to campaign for the reintroduction of the EU's freedom of movement for labour. Given that to all intents and purposes Johnson's government has already pre-capitulated to the corporate globalists' agenda, Starmer's quixotic utterances on the issue are wholly inconsequential. The substantive debate among the leadership contenders has been on the conjoined areas of gender and identity politics. Whereas once upon a Class analysis of society time,Labour would address unemployment and poverty they are now consumed by men claiming to be women ,the "rights" of individuals to indulge in whatever sexual practices that they wish to and demand full public respect from the rest of society for doing so;  ad infinitum .  And on this egregious and wholly otiose basis some 600,000 individual party members will have th...

162 : Dawn Butler leads metropolitan revival of "No Sex Please ,We're Labour"..

Labour MP sends Twitter into meltdown over comments babies are born 'without sex' LABOUR MP Dawn Butler received a furious backlash on Twitter after she claimed "a child is born without sex" during a heated exchange with Richard Madeley on Good Morning Britain. By  SVAR NANAN-SEN PUBLISHED:  08:15, Tue, Feb 18, 2020  | UPDATED: 09:00, Tue, Feb 18, 2020                     Ms Butler clashed with Mr Madeley over their definitions of transgender. The ITV  Good Morning Britain host stated that when a child is born "they are identified and observed in a particular way." The Labour Party politician hit back saying "a child is born without sex." I don't post blogs much as I used to and particularly so in the wake of the triumph,somewhat delayed of Brexit from the the shackles of the EU tyranny. Three and a half years of railing against the EU funded seditionist procrastination and the attendant Sor...