
Showing posts from January, 2019

99 : Coup D'etat to halt Brexit ?

Ever woken up from a coma and been hit by the thought of whatever happened do the car you were in? No? well neither have I.But the antidemocratic,seditionist ,neoliberal,globalist metropolitan elites and their lackeys in Westminster are going through some kind of waking nightmare,super post traumatic disorder on a loop. They are spending most of their waking hours as actors and extras on the film set of "The Great Betrayal :How Brexit Was Stolen From The People" and are improvising dialogue and action in lieu of the hastily arranged script re-writes that are being delivered post-haste to the set in an effort to draw this tediously long epic to some kind of conclusion. The EUropean Megastate are past masters in perverting,distorting and utterly corrupting any semblance of national sovereignty that one of its satrapies might wish to foolishly indulge itself in. (See appended below ) "I'm a believer in democratic institutions", says Juncker: : Maastricht Tre...

98 : The Remoaners of The Day -A Slow Lingering Death of Brexit

I can hardly believe that this is only my fourth blog posting of the new year.True,there is indeed buggerall fresh,exciting or new to blog about Brexit and the betrayal thereof on the one hand and the Syrian imbroglio on the other,just about suck the oxygen out of any other topic for debate. The EUropean Tyranny is an engine of Austerity.The same one that the denizens of Wall Street amongst others engineered back in 2007/08 with their contrived banking "crisis". The EU's specious" Four Freedoms " including ,as its centrepiece the " freedom of movement for labour " throughout the 28 satrapies is an intrinsic and necessary component to keep the Globalist/Usurer Engine of Austerity running. Cheap labour on tap ( as the BBC radio 5 Live's early morning " Wake up to Money " so succinctly put it.) is the neoliberal crony- corporate capitalist wetdream realised. The UK's national GDP is still below the level it was at going into the 2007...

97 : Parliament to Continue #PeoplesVote Pantomime to bury #Brexit

The 650, mostly idle, careerist benchwarming mendicants sojourning at the Palace of Westminster will soon be voting on,as we are led to believe, a vote on the vote of the vote on Anglican Tea Lady of the Year( Theresa May ) brexit " deal ". But then again perhaps not.This,however is how all badly produced ,acted and directed pantomimes end.The metropolitan domiciled, Our largely Oxbridge educated,metropolitan domiciled elites as a whole never wanted a referendum on the UK's continuing vassalage to the EU.None of them.Even those who went to great lengths to persuade the public that they somehow had taken a sudden and passionate interest in restoring our country's sovereignty by exiting the EU . We have essentially arrived at the present imbroglio as a result of Cameron going missing after the spectacular mis-fire of his cunning referendum plan to head off UKIP in the 2015 polls which led to a committed Remoaner being stage-managed into the Tory leadership and the...

96 : Winter is Coming for the Snowflake Seditionist Trash MPs

Widespread consternation and alarm were reported as erupting yesterday amid scenes of unprecedented rudeness and lack of civility shown toward our social betters as groups of  " Yellow Vest " protestors  subjected Anna Soubry MP to verbal abuse on College Green outside the Houses of Parliament... Several other MPs made an official complaint to the Kommissar of the Metropolitan Nee-naw Plod regarding the unacceptable and potentially terroristic threat to security posed by such protestors... Radical dissent goes back centuries and the emerging Yellow Vests UK - a sort of British Gilets Jaunes   manque are continuing a tradition that takes in the Peasants Revolt ( Wat Tyler 1381 and all that ) ,Ketts Rebellion (1545 ) ,The Levellers,The Chartists etc. Not that any of it matters or is even regarded as historically significant by the amoeboid non-entities of which the entire Left/Socialist spectrum of UK domestic politics is composed of. Actual Brexit aka Leaving the EU ...

95 : #Brexit ,#GiletsJaunes #Syria #SyriaWithdrawal - 2019 Looking Good.

Usually I post a blog every 3 to 4 days throughout the month. In a typical year I make about 100 annual posts. December just ended was a pretty low aggregated total; why? because there was naff all to post anything new about. Syria  - The Balkan Wars I & II for our Age continues to sink ever deeper into an already unfathomable sociopolitical /  geopolitical strategic imbroglio,even with Trump's announcement of a US withdrawal and Erdogan -led Turkey's continuing ceaseless impatient pawing of the ground like some slavering,psychotic dog of war raring to get at the Kurds. In calmer climes, Brexit or rather what's left of it, is being slowly slowly shoved into a coffin that obviously is just a little too tight for comfort but nevertheless the metropolitan domiciled elites are wearying ever so slightly of their ludicrous pretend-antagonisms over a matter they all agree should never have been put before the People in a binding plebiscite in the first place. Whether t...