99 : Coup D'etat to halt Brexit ?
Ever woken up from a coma and been hit by the thought of whatever happened do the car you were in? No? well neither have I.But the antidemocratic,seditionist ,neoliberal,globalist metropolitan elites and their lackeys in Westminster are going through some kind of waking nightmare,super post traumatic disorder on a loop. They are spending most of their waking hours as actors and extras on the film set of "The Great Betrayal :How Brexit Was Stolen From The People" and are improvising dialogue and action in lieu of the hastily arranged script re-writes that are being delivered post-haste to the set in an effort to draw this tediously long epic to some kind of conclusion. The EUropean Megastate are past masters in perverting,distorting and utterly corrupting any semblance of national sovereignty that one of its satrapies might wish to foolishly indulge itself in. (See appended below ) "I'm a believer in democratic institutions", says Juncker: : Maastricht Tre...