
Showing posts from February, 2019

104 : #PeoplesVote re-brands as #2ndreferendum ;Fools everybody!

As I confidently predicted ( took an educated guess at..) in a preceding blog post earlier in the month,February has indeed turned out to be less than fertile as regards interesting issues and topics for,visceral,punchy blog posts. Brexit,Bloody Brexit. I must say that the UKIP torpedo launched all those years ago now, certainly hit the British establishment's engine room bullseye. It has proven to have been the singularly most significant disruptor of a major world power's polity and civil society since the end of WW2. And the metropolitan-domiciled neoliberal/globalist ruling elites ensconced in their ivory and glass towers in the City and Westminster,have worked themselves into an anti-democratic mania beyond any bounds of psychiatric intervention. This has been gold dust,manna from heaven for those striving and seeking a restoration of populism and the full sovereignty of our nation which,of course resides exclusively and solely in the Peoples of these Islands.Alway...

103 : Labour Split? Who can tell the Difference ?

February 19 2019, D-Day minus 39. On March 29 all will change and nothing will have changed. If only the UK's polity was not fundamentally crippled by and retarded in its potential evolution by the retention 19th Century First Past The Post mechanism.If only this ,that and if only the other.Had the Tories under Cameron not promised a referendum,and Parliament not agreed to make it  binding. It's how History keeps moving on,not so much by heroic,noble,enlightened actions and plans but through error,miscalculation,weakness and vacillation. The strong must govern.It is better when they do. Our present predicament is and has been for far too long, that we are encumbered by a plethora of weak, stupid, cowardly compromising liberally-inclined pasty-face spineless conformists who long ago succumbed to every globalist/ multicuturalist policy and prejudice and ideological crankery that has wrought devastation on our Society. That seven MPs resigned from the Labour Party to sit...

102 : Gilets Jaunes resisting EU Puppetmasters .Time we did the same.

And so it goes..on and on..and well,pretty much as predicted and it didn't take much inspired guesswork to identify  " Brexit " or what's left over of it as being the herd of elephants in the very very tiny room of UK parliamentary political discourse. The European Union and its various constituent satrapies are busily tearing themselves apart,rancour and malice leavened by invective and counter-invective are keeping the grand - petomaine pantomime that is the Germanic Greater European Union in the headlines. The Populist government in Italy is siding with Hungary and its eastern confreres and stirring the extra,bonus pot of Gilets Jaunes discontent to destabilise an already shaky Macron regime that resorts to brutality and violence in its efforts to stem or at least deter the Yellow Vests' tsunami of protests. Whether or not our own desperate and increasingly dysfunctional EU puppet regime survives the epoch defining date of March 29,is a moot point. Howev...

101 : Remembering Democracy on the Day the Maastricht Treaty Nazified Europe

February 7 1992 is a day that shall live in infamy. It is the day on which that most heinous and treasonable Maastricht Treaty gave birth to the concept of  " citizen of the european union ". It is a day when the EU funded seditionist garbage known as Peoples Vote aka metropolitan elitist Remoaners celebrate the historic self-annihilation of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland as a sovereign nation state. Worthwhile reminding ourselves therefore of how the metropolitan ruling elites across the EU and its 28 satrapies including the UK utilise referendums.I originally posted the following blog ,  And So It Goes...#741   on February 25 2016 - 4 months before our Referendum on EU vassalage. And How Was The Referendum Process For You ? On June 23rd.2016AD  WE the British Electorate  get to cast our vote on whether to remain enslaved behind the barbed-wire of the EU Kz or opt to leave and walk out from under the EU’s, ” Arbeit Macht...

100 : Leave D-Day Countdown Continues - PeoplesVote Become Even More Hysterical

Foreword: I confidently predict another slow,somewhat laborious news-unworthy month of posting blogs,probably up to a maximum of 5 just as February closes. And now back to the scheduled blog post:- February 5,2019 ,52 days hence according to Statue Law enacted by Parliament, the UK will leave the EU on March 29. It would be a virtually,historically unparalleled abrogation of trust and democratic constitutional legitimacy were the political class through some arcane or obscurantist parliamentary device to halt,stymie or in any way delay this enactment of Law which they themselves have passed. However,those rogues and charlatans probably will contrive something to make it appear as if they - the 650 itinerant careerist Westminster benchwarmers - are really doing the rest of us -aka the sovereign British electorate - some kind of an altruistic favour by pulling the plug at the very last moment on Leave. Some of the media Commentariat and various  pundits-manque  are...