114 : Government abandons common sense and capitulates to Vegan AlQaeda Extinction Rebellion
The recent shenanigans carried out by Extinction Rebellion over a fortnight in and around central London marked the nadir of British politics as heretofore understood and practised. Waving placards,demonstrating en masse and venting vacuous platitudes on any matter is of course de facto guaranteed by our unwritten constitution.Largely because any given demonstration by itself doesn't herald much if any of a change in government policy or challenge any set of accepted legal norms. Unless,that is we have a government in meltdown and we're in the midst of an unprecedented fully blown crisis of constitutional legitimacy.Which we are. Up pop a mysteriously funded,fully formed campaigning organisation capable of launching a planned,co-ordinated two weeks long disruption of daily London life and traffic flows. An eco-millenarian cult that has metastasized across the european continent and has its own High Priestess/Delphic Oracle in Greta Thunberg. In the face of this largely...