
Showing posts from October, 2019

144 : Brexit Has Fallen : Remoaner Hashtags Victorious

Oh boy... British Prime Minister Johnson reneged conclusively on his earlier solemn promise to actually die in a ditch if his government couldn't deliver Brexit on October 31st and that he wouldn't go back to EU to ask for an extension. The EU have helpfully referred to their grand gesture as  a " flextension " and it is valid until January 31st. 2020, which of course is way past the original deadline of October 31. We are now all hostages being held in a parliamentary purgatory where every conceivable ideological schism is surfacing in all the major parties and there are schisms within schisms. In the round of course, the Remain campaign succeeded ages ago in effectively torpedoing Brexit. The waves of Waitrose /Ocado home delivery loyalists and their pithily adorned placards with slogans had sod all to do with the effectiveness of the EU funded, largely Labour Party directed, seditionist enterprise that so remorselessly undermined and heinously traduced wh...

143 : Russia & Turkey Act as Grown-Ups in Syria

BBC News Online  reported :- Turkey and Russia have agreed what they say is a "historic" deal aimed at keeping Kurdish forces away from Syria's border with Turkey. It comes during a pause in Turkey's offensive to drive Kurdish forces out, creating a "safe zone" in the area. Under the deal, Syrian and Russian forces will immediately oversee a withdrawal of Kurdish forces. There is no word from the Kurdish fighters, whom Turkey regards as terrorists. The deal sets out plans for joint Turkish-Russian patrols along the border next week.  The agreement was announced after six hours of talks  on Tuesday between Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his Russian host, Vladimir Putin, in the Black Sea resort of Sochi. And so it goes.. At last it appears the international Law -breaking USA and its western satrapies have satiated their vicarious bellicose cravings and it's left up to the grown-ups in the international diplomatic arena to assume the pr...

142 : Battle for the Planet of Remainers :Peoples Vote March clashes with Extinction Rebellion

Here's what  The Evening Standard online  trumpeted :- In the style of a Waitrose shopper's guide on how to go about  fomenting sedition. Brexit march London: Saturday People's Vote protest route, map, times and more Thousands of protestors are set to march through London this weekend to demand the public is given a final say on Brexit . Saturday's Final Say rally is expected to draw huge crowds of people to the capital calling for a vote on any EU withdrawal deal. The march will take place nearly a fortnight before the UK is due to leave the EU on October 31, and at the end of a crunch week for Brexit negotiations. Organised by the People's Vote  campaign, Together for the Final Say is the fourth march calling for a final referendum on any Brexit deal to be put to the people.   Here's everything we know about Saturday's demonstration. When is the march taking place? Campaigners are being told to meet at on Saturday October 19, at 12pm,...

141 : Erdogan To Write Lots of IOUs to finance Invasion of Syria

It's easy, often too easy to get caught up in the hyperbole and strident faux-rhetoric that accompanies what passes for war these days. Routine, indiscriminate usage of emotive language and graphic imagery, in the end do not enhance a particular narrative, they overwhelm it. The US / EUNATO engineered regional imbroglio emanating from what is still left of the sovereign,independent nation state of Syria underlines the old adage about chickens coming home to roost. The ruling metropolitan elites sojourning in their western ivory towers do in fact have a low tolerance for when things get, shall we say, a tad more squeamish than they had anticipated let alone planned for. They always invariably make the same miscalculation ,they always invariably end up shoving their collective heads up their own asses and hope that their specious pseudo-moralistic pronouncements and irritatingly middle class superficial hand wringing shows concern for the orphans,widows,the aged .etc. who are...

140 : Armageddon,here we go! Turkey to invade Syria to get at The Kurds

Sudetenland 2.0 Turkish President Erdogan has given the rest of the international community notice of his intention to order a full scale military incursion into North-eastern Syria in order to establish a buffer-zone contiguous with the Turkish border. US forces currently in that area are due to vacate it leaving their erstwhile SDF /Kurdish allies on their own to face the imminent Turkish invasion. Military invasions of countries with which the invaders are not at war is in breach of international law.Not that International Law counts for very much in the current derangement paradigm in which the world finds itself. The very presence of US,UK,French,German,Australian ,Canadian and Turkish forces inside Syria is itself in breach of all diplomatic conventions, rules and international laws. The much referenced Westphalian system whereby nations respect each others sovereignty and territorial integrity has long been a convenient diplomatic fiction for almost as long as The Treat...

139 : Peoples Vote Mob Clamour for Remain Junta to Overthrow Democratic Govt in last bid to stop #Brexit

October 31 draws ineluctably closer and with it the prospect of, " Brexit " actually happening. The monumental rearguard action undertaken by the Remain campaign to sabotage ,delay ,impede and ultimately eviscerate Brexit as the legitimate democratic expression of the UK electorate in the EURef 2016 - has been to all intents and purposes successful! There is, of course a price to pay for all their shenanigans and in all likelihood it will be a very heavy one. Without recourse to muskets and halberds or judicial auto-da-fes , this country has gone through and to a large extent well into future will continue going through a significant period of historical political sea change on par with The Tudor Reformation of the 1530s and 40s as well as The English Civil War(s) of a Century later. And in spite of the socio-economic driven ideological schisms that have affected all major parliamentary parties over the issue of  " Brexit ", to a greater degree these Parties...